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Cycling safari in Lake Mburo National park

Cycling safari in Lake Mburo National park

Cycling safari in Lake Mburo National parkLake Mburo National Park is a protected area located in the western part of Uganda, near the town of Mbarara. One of Uganda’s smaller national parks but is known for its diverse ecosystems, wildlife, and picturesque landscapes.

Here are some key features and information about Lake Mburo National Park:


Lake Mburo National Park situated in the Ankole sub-region, approximately 30 kilometers east of Mbarara town in western Uganda.


The park covers an area of about 370 square kilometers, making it one of the smallest national parks in Uganda.


The park is characterised by a varied landscape that includes rolling hills, open savannah, acacia woodlands, and several lakes. Lake Mburo, from which the park derives its name, is the largest of the lakes within the park.


Lake Mburo National Park is home to a variety of wildlife, including impalas, zebras, buffaloes, topis, warthogs, and elands. It is also known for having one of the largest populations of impalas in Uganda.

The park is a birding paradise with over 300 bird species recorded, including the rare shoebill stork.

Lake Mburo:

Lake Mburo is the largest of the five lakes within the park and serves as a focal point for various activities.

Boat safaris on Lake Mburo offer the opportunity to see hippos, crocodiles, and a variety of water birds.


Game drives: Visitors can explore the park through game drives, providing opportunities to spot a variety of wildlife.

Boat safaris: Lake Mburo offers boat trips, allowing visitors to enjoy the scenery and observe aquatic wildlife.

Nature walks and guided hikes: Exploring the park on foot provides a different perspective and allows for a closer encounter with the natural surroundings.

Horseback safaris: Some lodges within the park offer guided horseback safaris as a unique way to explore the area.


Lake Mburo National Park offers various accommodation options, including lodges, tented camps, and campsites. Accommodations are designed to provide visitors with a close-to-nature experience.


The park is easily accessible by road, and the journey from Kampala, Uganda’s capital, takes approximately 3-4 hours.

Cultural Encounters:

The park  surrounded by communities, and visitors have the opportunity to engage in cultural activities, such as visits to local homesteads and traditional performances.

Lake Mburo National Park, located in western Uganda, is a unique destination that offers the opportunity for a cycling safari, allowing visitors to explore the park’s diverse ecosystems and wildlife on two wheels.

Here’s a guide on how to enjoy a cycling safari in Lake Mburo National Park:

Check with the Park Authorities:

Before planning a cycling safari, check with the park authorities to ensure that cycling is allowed within the park. Rules and regulations may vary, and it’s essential to comply with the park’s guidelines.

Rent a Mountain Bike:

If you don’t have your own mountain bike, inquire about bike rental options within or near Lake Mburo National Park. Some accommodations or local tour operators may offer bike rentals.

Guided Cycling Tours:

Consider joining a guided cycling tour led by experienced guides who are knowledgeable about the park’s flora and fauna. Guides can enhance your experience by providing insights into the wildlife and ensuring your safety.

Choose the Right Trails:

Lake Mburo National Park features various trails suitable for cycling. The park has a network of tracks that wind through savannas, woodlands, and near Lake Mburo itself. Some trails may offer better wildlife-viewing opportunities.

Respect Wildlife and Safety:

While cycling, be respectful of the wildlife by maintaining a safe distance. Follow safety guidelines provided by your guide or the park authorities. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings, as wildlife encountered along the trails.

Carry Essential Gear:

Wear appropriate clothing for cycling, including comfortable attire, closed-toe shoes, and a helmet for safety. Bring essentials such as water, sunscreen, and insect repellent.

Timing and Weather:

Plan your cycling safari during favorable weather conditions. Uganda generally has a tropical climate, but there may be variations in temperature and rainfall. Early mornings or late afternoons are often good times for cycling to avoid the heat.

Combine Activities:

Lake Mburo National Park offers various activities, such as boat safaris, game drives, and nature walks. Consider combining cycling with other activities to make the most of your visit to the park.


Stay at accommodations within or near Lake Mburo National Park that cater to cyclists. Some lodges or camps may have facilities for bike storage and may offer information on cycling routes.

Always check for the most recent information and updates from the park authorities before embarking on a cycling safari in Lake Mburo National Park. Following guidelines and being environmentally conscious will contribute to a positive and sustainable experience. Here are some of the lodges in Lake Mburo  nationatioal park Kigambira safari lodge, Mihingo lodge, Mburo Safari lodge, Eagles Nest Lodge · Mihingo Lodge · Rwaboko Rock.