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Things to do and see in bwindi impenetrable park


Overview#Things to do and see in bwindi impenetrable park

Things to do and see in Bwindi impenetrable park, Bwindi is one of the top destinations one should not love to miss while on a tour to Uganda, Bwindi impenetrable national park has a scenic tropical rainforest, with fascinating species like the endangered mountain gorillas, improbable landscapes to ease of accessibility.

The Bwindi national park remains on the top priority list of travelers because of its outstanding natural wonders. The endangered mountain gorillas that live in the park are the most prominent and travelers’ must want, that’s why a safari to Uganda is considered incomplete without gorilla trekking.

Location#Things to do and see in bwindi impenetrable park

The Park is situated far away in the Western part of Uganda and it lies along a border that is shared by Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It boasts lush habitats that are a must-stay for most of Wildlife species. You can easily reach the park from Kampala via Kampala – Masaka – Mbarara highway or fly from Entebbe/Kajjansi airstrip up to the Kisoro airstrip.

On the other hand, you can land at Rwanda – Kigali International airport and cross to Uganda. Reaching Bwindi, from Kigali it’s a drive of about 3-4 hours.

There are a lot of things to make your days as listed below.

Gorilla Trekking.

Gorilla trekking is all about meeting the gorillas in their natural habitat deep in to the forest. Many people in the world have never gotten the chance of meeting these close apes to human face to face, they just see them on T.Vs and magazines, but a visit to this magnificent park gives one a chance to see them physically in a close range. There is nothing more thrilling than colliding your eyes with those of a Silver back.

Before heading into the forest, travelers are entitled for a briefing about all it takes for Gorilla trekking in the Jungles and also getting assigned to gorilla family to trek and also a ranger guide. Each gorilla family is assigned to only eight people who are physically fit. After the Journey starts heading into the Jungle in search of these apes. You will wander around not until you discover their location meeting them depends on where they last spent their night from.

The experience

Gorilla Trackers are usually the first to go early in the morning, so they will help on tracing for these species of Mountain Gorillas. After discovering them, do all what you need in the one hour allowed to be in their presence. You can take photos and videos of the Gorillas when posing at different locations do not use flash camera when taking photos as this may scare away these endangered apes. After successfully done the activity, you will get back to the lodge for relaxation as you get prepared for the evening / tomorrows activity. You will not only enjoy the gorillas, but as well as other forest dwellers such as the chimps, bird species, and elephants among others. Gorilla trekking has no strict time taken and distance moved but it often depends on where these apes spent their last night.

Gorilla Habituation Experience.

There is no big difference between Gorilla trekking and gorilla habituation experience. Habituation also includes trekking in the Jungle during the search for these apes but what differs is the time you spend with them and the number of people that can take part of this activity per day.  With Gorilla trekking experience, one only has one hour to stay with these endangered apes which is not the same case with habituation which can last to up to 4 hours. While following their movements, taking photos and videos of them.

Gorilla habituation is the best option for photographers who often desire for plenty of photos and videos. Gorilla habituation experience in Uganda is only in Bwindi impenetrable national park in the Rushaga sector. To participate in this activity you must hold a gorilla permit which costs $1500 USD per person.

Bird Watching.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a paradise for birding watching and due to its huge numbers of bird species that inhabit its luxuriant habitats. Some of the species of birds inhabited here cannot see elsewhere in another national park. So birders on Uganda safari don’t miss including Bwindi national park on your list parks to visit. Birders prefer being part of the birding trips in the Buhoma sector, this sector has over 190 bird species. To mention some of the bird species include short-tailed warbler, yellow-eyed black fly catcher, blue-headed sunbird, red-throated athlete and more.

You can also track the birds in the Mubwindi swamp; you can take a three hour hike from Ruhija that winds through dense forests. Views of numerous bird species are inspirational.

Batwa Community experience.

The Batwa people live in the local community and they are neighbors to the park. They were local hunters who migrated from Ituri forest reserve of Democratic Republic of Congo. They stayed in the forest for over 400 years until they vacated. The Batwa used forests as shelter, tree leaves as medicine, bush meat as food. Some Batwa settled in Rwanda in the northern part of Rwanda while other settled in the western wing of Uganda near parks like Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. The Batwa up graded themselves and they are no longer forest dwellers, they are normal human beings, there are now living in communities.

After Gorilla trek, you can visit them in the evening to delve into their ancient history, experience their standards of living and more.

Hiking Adventures.

Hiking experience is another thrilling adventurous activity done in the park Bwindi features a number of hiking trails favorable for hiking expeditions. Visitors for this activity should book in advance or a day before. There are three trails that begin from Buhoma including the easiest Muyanga River trail. The waterfall trail follows the Muyanga River that streams down the steep slopes south-East of Buhoma.

The river continues through a series of plunging waterfalls before it enters the camp area. Rushura is another trial to try, it is strenuous though rewarding with scenic views across the western Rift Valley and towering volcanoes in DR Congo.

Nature Walks.

A number of nature walks are available ranging from 30 minutes to eight hours. Nature walks begin from the Buhoma sector and during the nature walks, you spot different species of wildlife including primates and bird species.

The three-hour water trail along the abandoned road through beautiful areas of the forest and the 33 high waterfalls on Munyaga River awards the best sights of monkeys. Rush is hill trail and Muzabajiro loop trail offer scenic views of the Virunga Mountains; you can finish them in four hours.

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