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5 interesting facts about gorillas

5 interesting facts about gorillas

5 interesting facts about gorillas With no doubt gorilla trekking is the most selling adventurous activity done in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic republic of Congo. Over 95|% of travelers visiting one of these countries go gorilla trekking. Only the mentioned above three countries hosts these endangered mountain gorillas. Whoever interested in gorilla trekking has to posses a gorilla trekking permit. Which is a passport for one to get granted a chance of spending one hour with these giant apes. And the one hour is utilized by studding their behaviors taking as many photos and videos with them. The guide will always be available in case of any questions related to  forest fauna and flona and anything in regards to the gorillas.

It is always advisable to put on long sleeved shirts and blouse. Study pair of walking shoes, walking stick and some times packed food and bottles the trek is sometimes unpredictable. Since it can go from half to full day depending on the where they last spend their night from. 5 interesting facts about mountain gorillas

In Uganda a gorilla permit costs $ 700 trekking in Bwindi impenetrable national park and Mgahinga gorilla forest national park. Both parks are located in the southwestern part of Uganda. While in Rwanda  a gorilla permits costs $1400 trekking in Volcanoes national park in the north western part of Rwanda. In the Democratic republic of Congo a gorilla permit sells at $400 trekking in Virunga national park, find below the most 5 interesting facts about gorillas

Gorillas are one of the closest relatives to humans:

DNA analysis has shown that gorillas are one of the closest living relatives to humans, sharing more than 98% of our genetic code.

Gorillas are herbivores:

Despite their intimidating size and strength, gorillas are actually herbivores, primarily feeding on leaves, shoots, and fruits.

Gorillas live in groups:

Gorillas live in groups called troops, led by a dominant silverback male. The size of the group can vary from a few individuals to more than 30, depending on the species.

Gorillas use tools:

Research has shown that gorillas are capable of using tools, such as sticks and rocks, to accomplish tasks like gathering food or testing the depth of water.

Gorillas communicate through a variety of vocalizations and body language:

Gorillas use a range of vocalizations and body language to communicate with each other, including grunts, screams, barks, chest beats, and more. They can convey complex messages to other members of their group using these forms of communication.

there are many5 interesting facts about mountain gorillas, the above are thee supper known